12 May 2008

Another great adventure... blew Monday.

Just over a week ago I heard about the first annual Bike To Work Week here in Spokane. "Wow" I thought; certainly I could do that...I hope. So the night before last, I was prepping my bike for yesterday's commute. I had covered every contingency...so I thought. As I was pumping up my rear tire, I accidentally sheared the presta valve. WHOOOSH! The children quickly vacated the area as Dad was not terribly happy. My backup bike was in the shop. No spare tube; and it's Sunday night. My lovely wife so sweetly offered her bike. Yikes! After cranking the seat as high as possible it was still a tight fit. Felt like I was a size 10 foot going into a size 9 shoe. Oh, she has not gone clipless yet. Yes, I mashed all 14 miles. I felt like I was crawling through mud. At mile 6 I had to pull over and...well...um...heave. Rehydrated and back on my way, finished in downtown feeling pretty good about my accomplishment. The breakfast was great and turnout was amazing!

They had a bike corral and STA was showing how to load a bike on the front of their buses. I even saw some folks I know.

I'm doing it again on Wednesday...on MY bike! I was so beat that I may have cheated slightly. I dropped $1 and rode the STA bus using my new found skill in loading a bike. Rode as far north as I could get and then biked DOWN HILL 6 miles back to my car. It felt good to get home last night, but what a fun day. If you live and work in this area maybe you could try this at least once before the week is over.

By-the-way...did you know? The League of American Bicyclists organized the first Bike to Work Day in 1956. Thats 52 years!!!

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