16 April 2008

What got this started?

Some time back good friends of ours moved to Mexico to become long term missionaries in the Oaxaca region. Their journey has been described in their own blog that I encourage you to visit.

From this, I realized that blogging is a great venue for communicating views, ideas, opinions, accomplishments, and the assorted what-not you are busting a seam to share with everyone you know and many you don't. At the same that I began pondering how to go about it... or for that matter, what to even write about; I was approached by a local retiree who dabbles in every aspect of our community and county. He pressed me to pursue election to a yet-to-be-formed board for a new park district tentatively being created in lower Stevens County, WA. I will save that story for another post. Flash forward a few weeks to last Saturday when the Stevens County Republican Convention was held at the AG & Trade Center in Colville, WA. I had been selected as a delegate to this convention and became part of the 120 strong delegation from various areas in the county. Little did I realize what would unfold that day! I will share what happened and my thoughts on that shortly. In closing , and as a teaser, I will be going to the 2008 Washington State Republican Party State Convention at the end of May and hope to provide you with a real time glimpse at the proceedings and items of interest along the way. Stay tuned and be sure to support Dino Rossi in his run for the rightful position of Governor of Washington State.

1 comment:

Aaron Kangas said...


You're my favorite former-coworker red hair and a beard. If I lived in Stevens County, you'd have my vote.